3-week vacation to Illinois
Cathy and I took a 3-week vacation driving to Illinois and back, seeing the
western half of the country at
Prototypical CD
Prototypical [https://timthompson.com/tjt/compositions/prototypical.html], my
CD, is now available! You canhear audio and MIDI samples
Composition - Widespread Optimism
Widespread Optimism [https://timthompson.com/tjt/second.html#widespread] is my
latest composition, done for round 4 of the Dare
Compsition - Autograph
My Autograph [https://timthompson.com/tjt/compositions/autograp.mid] composition
has been included in the OfDreams Theme in Sharly'
Prototypical CD available on Amazon
My CD Prototypical [https://timthompson.com/tjt/compositions/prototypical.html],
can now be purchased on Amazon.com!
My parents 50th wedding anniversary
My parents had their 50th wedding anniversary recently, here are some pictures.
Latest composition - Leap Of Fate
Leap of Fate [https://timthompson.com/tjt/second.html]is my latest composition,
done for round 3 of the Dare
Another Tune Toy - Pieces-O-MIDI
Pieces-O-MIDI [https://timthompson.com/music/pieces.html] lets you grab a MIDI
file and tear it to pieces.
PLUM list - Programming Languages Used for Music
I've created the PLUM [https://timthompson.com/plum] list - a database of
Programming Languages Used for Music.
Another Tune Toy - GIF Jam
GIF Jam [https://timthompson.com/music/gifjam.cgi] lets you take GIF images and
produce music from them.